Engraved Substrates

A series of reclaimed substrates which have been engraved using a CNC laser cutter. Through this process, I aim to clarify the existence of the Anthropocene, by ascribing signs which gesture toward anthropocentric activity; onto the physical by-products of human consumption.  

Artworks (From Left to Right) 

Adonis (You've met with a terrible fate haven't you). 


48.5 CM x 69.5 CM

The Sin Pigs


49 CM x 14.2 CM

Luxury Closet Living (I'm 22 I've wasted my life its over)

42.7 x 42.2 CM

War in Desert of the Real (Boy Sampson) 

81.5 x 52.7 CM

The Four Humours (There's Plastic in my Blood)

57 x 80 CM

Pilgrimage to Gaia (Angelus Novus)

69 x 99 CM

The Two Fish (Mud Wizard)

69x 99CM